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Veteran outreach & engagement events connect over 250 with benefits & services in west Texas

Over 250 veterans connected with benefits and services at outreach and engagement events held in Fort Stockton and Horizon City on December 6, 7, 9 and 10, 2021. Getting DD214s, assistance with Claims, health care and housing were among the benefits and services offered. Also available were mental wellness resources, on-the-spot flu shots, emergency financial assistance and many local and statewide services.

Visit the event and discover all the benefits and services offered with Trekking with TVC Fort Stockton and Horizon City videos.
Veterans, get assistance now with benefits and services; connect with the Texas Veterans Commission at

The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) supported these outreach and engagement events bringing veterans and their families assistance with VA Claims and health care, employment, education, entrepreneur resources, mental health resources and services from local veteran service organizations receiving TVC grants.

The Fort Stockton and Horizon City events were hosted by Congressman Tony Gonzales, in partnership with TVC, West Texas VA Health Care System & El Paso VA Health Care System.

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