Grantseeker Resources
Applying for a Grant
Every year, the Commission encourages eligible charitable organizations, local government agencies, and Veteran Service Organizations with veteran-specific programs and services to apply for grant funding during the application window.
All applications must be timely submitted electronically through the Grants Portal (Fluxx). No paper applications or other methods of submission will be considered for funding.
Sign Up for RFA Alerts
Sign up here to receive email alerts about upcoming funding opportunities from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans Assistance.
Should you decide to stop receiving emails after enrollment, you can unsubscribe using the “Update Profile” link at the bottom of the most recent email you received.
Request For Applications (RFA) Resources
The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) administers organization grants for the Texas Veterans Commission. FVA grants help Texas units of local government and qualified nonprofit organizations to address the needs of Veterans and their families in their local communities.
2025-2026 Request For Applications (RFA)
TVC FVA 2025-2026 Request for Applications
2025-2026 Grant Program Requirements
- 2025-2026 Annex A Terms and Conditions
- 2025-2026 Annex B Grant Program Requirements
- 2025-2026 Annex B Appendix 1 - General Assistance
- 2025-2026 Annex B Appendix 2 - Housing for Texas Heroes
- 2025-2026 Annex B Appendix 3 - Veterans Mental Health
- 2025-2026 Annex B Appendix 4 - Veterans Treatment Court
RFA Webinars and Additional Resources
- Request for Application Webinar
Organizations new to the Grants Portal (Fluxx) are required to create a new account.
Users from previous grant cycles should use their existing accounts.
* New staff needing access to an organization’s existing account, please contact your organization’s Grant Portal Moderator.
TVC Grants Portal User Guide
Eligibility To Apply For TVC Grants
Is your organization eligible to apply for a grant from the Fund for Veterans’ Assistance?
Not Eligible: Individuals, For-profit entities, Units of federal or state government, including state agencies, colleges, and universities, Organizations that have not fulfilled or maintained all legal requirements to operate in the State of Texas, Organizations that do not have current operations in Texas or a Texas-based chapter.
Grant Funding Programs
General Assistance (GA) Grants
Employment Support
Resources that support veterans to prepare for, secure, and maintain employment.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance that is temporary in nature, such as childcare, transportation assistance, or one-time utility or rental payments. Services are intended to provide financial relief to beneficiaries who can demonstrate financial need.
Homeless Veterans Support
Supportive Services to address acute and chronic conditions underlying the veteran’s homeless status. Services include shelter programs, transitional housing (HUD/VASH), temporary housing, rapid re-housing programs, longer-term financial support for rent, utility payments & essential needs, social programs, meal services and food pantry, assistive technology, and other qualifying resources identified through case management.
Pro Bono Legal Services
Includes legal aid, legal clinics and other legal services for civil courts provided at no cost to veterans, active duty members of the United States Armed Forces, and members of the state military forces. Does not include criminal defense; justice-involved veterans may be eligible for grant-funded Veterans Treatment Courts instead.
Referral Services
Provide information and referrals to additional sources of veteran and veteran family support.
Supportive Services
Services, projects and activities that provide longer-term support for veterans and their families to enable stability and promote veteran family integration with the community.
Transportation Programs & Services
Transportation services for veteran beneficiaries in their local area, county or region. These services may provide transportation to/from medical, dental, mental health appointments, and transportation in support of basic needs (grocery stores, 24-hour care, community meetings, voting, court appearance, and tax offices).
Veteran Small Business Support
Services to stabilize or grow a veteran’s 100% veteran-owned business for the purpose of maintaining self-employment. Includes entrepreneurship and small-business training programs no longer than 5 months in duration for veteran entrepreneurs; tools, equipment, and software or other related business products valued under $2,000; referral to small business financial lenders; and other small-business related services. Veteran small business support beneficiaries must be operating the business as a 100% veteran-owned business as verified by the Texas Veterans Commission. Does not include direct financial support of the veteran-owned business, cash, or cash equivalents.
Housing for Texas Heroes (H4TXH) Grants
Awarded programs modify beneficiary-owned housing for accessibility, critical repairs, and/or weatherization purposes. Eligible beneficiaries must (at a minimum):
- Be considered a Low or Very Low-Income Household (minimum qualifiers apply),
OR - Be a Disabled Veteran as determined by the Veterans Administration
Very Low & Low-Income beneficiaries are considered the highest priority for services. TVC grant funding is capped per street address. Additional modifications may be performed by supplementing the TVC-funded modification with other sources of funding, such as private or foundation grants.
Home Modification
Projects to improve home accessibility and quality of life for independent living. Modifications may include (but are not limited to) walkways, ramps, sliding doors, handrails, kitchen and bathroom modifications.
Critical Home Repairs
Includes (but not limited to) plumbing, electrical, interior walls, flooring, and lighting.
Home Weatherization
Includes (but not limited to) doors, windows, siding, and roofing.
Organization Grants Awarded Yearly
The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance administers the Commission’s Housing For Texas Heroes grants to local governments, non-profits, and veterans service organizations. The Fund (or FVA) does not award funding directly to individuals or families.
Veterans Mental Health (VMH) Grants
Awarded programs provide counseling and treatment to veterans and their families with grant funding. Services address diagnosed conditions in order to improve their quality of life, relationships, outlook, and successful integration with their communities, including:
Clinical Counseling
Services and treatment that include evidence-based practices for diagnosed conditions or co-occurring conditions including but not limited to: trauma and stress related disorders, anxiety disorders; mood disorders; suicidal thoughts and behaviors; substance use disorders; Concerns related to identity; adjustment disorders; and marriage/family/relationship concerns.
Peer-Support Services
Services based upon the premise that an individual with a “lived experience,” in this case military service, is uniquely able to contribute to the rehabilitation and recovery of those needing services. Services are provided to veterans and their families in a non-clinical environment from trained/certified individuals. Services may include but not limited to: operation of Peer Networking centers, support groups, information and referral services, advocacy, technical assistance, life skills training, and other direct services.
Organization Grants Awarded Yearly
The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance administers the Commission’s Veterans Mental Health grants to local governments, non-profits, and veterans service organizations. The Fund (or FVA) does not award funding directly to individuals or families.
Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) Grants
Awarded courts provide rehabilitation for justice-involved veterans with grant funding. Services are provided to veterans who must meet an obligation to themselves, the court, and their community.
Treatment courts offer support, resources, and an accountable environment for veterans involved with the criminal justice system.
Local Government Grants Awarded Yearly
The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance administers the Commission’s Veterans Treatment Court grants to local governments that operate a Treatment Court for veterans. Treatment courts must be certified by the Office of Court Administration to be eligible for grant funding. The Fund (or FVA) does not award funding directly to individuals for treatment court services.
Veterans County Service Officer (VCSO) Funding
SB 1679 (85th Legislature) created a 5% set-aside for Veteran County Service Officer (VCSO) applications in certain grant programs. This set-aside gives applications where the VCSO is listed as the Project Coordinator a competitive advantage in the application selection process.
Funding is available for all service categories within the General Assistance, Housing for Texas Heroes, and Veterans Mental Health grant programs.
FVA Slides for VCSOs from July 2024 Training please click here.