TVC Offices Closed on Labor Day

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Grant Application FAQ: VCSO Funding

The 2021-2022 Request for Application includes new, specific guidance for Veterans County Service Office grant applicants:

Veteran County Service Office Grants include all the service categories listed in the General Assistance Grant Program, Housing for Texas Heroes Grant Program, and Veterans Mental Health Grant Program. Veteran County Service Officers are eligible to submit one application for any of the service categories and must serve as the project coordinator for the services if awarded a grant. The VCSO applicants shall consider the notes listed for each grant category while developing their grant application.

Notes for Veteran County Service Office:

    1. Supplanting of salaries or compensation for part-time or full-time county employees is not allowable.
    2. FVA grant funding cannot be used to support disability claims processing, filing, appeals processing, or any other activity associated with claims such as 2nd Claims services and support are provided by a separate TVC Department.
    3. Medical expenses are not allowed. Medical expenses include physician bills, prescription medications, medical insurance premiums or copays, audiology, vision care, emergency/after-hours clinic costs, lab work, imagery, and prescribed prosthetics.

All Requests for Application (RFAs) published by the Fund for Veterans Assistance since 2017 include a definition of VCSO Funding:

VCSO Funding. SB 1679 (85th Legislature) created a 5% set-aside for VCSO applications for FVA grants.  This funding is available for General Assistance, Housing for Texas Heroes, and Veterans Mental Health grant applications with the Veteran County Service Officer listed as the Project Coordinator.


Featured Photo Background Source: COMSEVENTHFLT, “120304-N-SD300-019.jpg” on Flickr. Creative Commons license, Attribution Required.

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