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Obstacles overcome, new career begun with help from Veterans Career Advisor & Employer Liaison

Army veteran Dyan Schiller recently overcame obstacles to employment and started on a new career in February 2022 as a Claims Representative Associate, with United Health Group.

Photo of Schiller

“I could not have done it without you both, I greatly appreciate all your advice, your guidance, your patience, direction, communication, updates, reminders, and going the extra mile,” Schiller said to the Texas Veterans Commission Employment team which helped her land her new job. Pictured is Schiller.

Her trek to employment began in May 2021 through a meeting in McKinney with Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veterans Career Advisor (VCA) and Army veteran Bobby Lee Williams, pictured.

Photo of Bobby Lee Williams

Upon completion of an initial assessment, it was determined that Schiller would benefit from Individualized Career Services. Additionally, due to the significant barriers to employment stemming from being a Service-connected Disabled Veteran and financial obstacles, she qualified for Disabled Veterans Outreach Program services per the Jobs for Veterans State Grant. VCA Williams immediately began to create a comprehensive employment plan.

photo of Ron Abrams

“Bobby Lee was able to use valuable information provided by Mrs. Schiller to create a stellar resume,” said Ron Abrams, TVC Employment North Texas District Outreach Coordinator and Army veteran, pictured. “Both Bobby Lee and Mrs. Schiller agreed; the new resume would greatly enhance her chances of gaining interviews and ultimately finding suitable and gainful employment.”

Schiller served over four years in the Army. She was a Material Storage Handling Specialist and additionally had proven, extensive experience as a Medical Office Front Desk Receptionist/Administrative Assistant.

Photo of Tracy Griffard

Once it was determined the Schiller was job ready, VCA Williams held a case conference with his co-worker and fellow Army veteran Veterans Employer (VEL) Liaison Tracy Giffard, pictured. Veterans Employer Liaisons work with employers to match veterans to jobs. Giffard presented potential, interested employers to veteran Schiller, from which Schiller found a got a match.

“Schiller started her new position as a Claims Representative Associate, with United Health Group, on 7 Feb 2022; with a starting salary of over $16.50 an hour,” said Abrams. “This veteran is a great example of what our veterans can achieve through perseverance, determination, and teamwork!”

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