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VA Compensated Work Therapy & TVC Team Up for Dallas-Fort Worth Job Fair

Celebrating their fifth year, the VA Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) Department and Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veterans Employment Services (VES) North Texas District teamed up in producing a job fair to connect employers and veterans. A total of 188 veterans participated in the event which featured 46 employers from the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Employers included over 30 private businesses, plus a dozen government agencies.

The VA CWT supports veterans who may have barriers obtaining employment or retaining employment; and assists them in returning to meaningful work. The CWT is located in all VA medical centers. For more information, click on CWT.

The DFW area VA CWT provided space for the job fair and referred veterans to TVC for resume assistance and other employment services.

Partnering with the VA CWT to produce the event as well as participating in it was the TVC North Texas District VES team. Pictured from left are Robert Newsom, Veteran Employment Liaison-Public Entity; Lee Ware, Veteran Employment Liaisons (VEL); Mark Gentry, (VEL) and Gary Easter, (VEL). Others on the team include Ron Abrams, District Outreach Coordinator; Michael Calhoun, Veteran Career Advisor (VCA) and Timothy Hargers (VCA). Additionally, North Texas District Woman Veterans Coordinator Catherine B. Smith provided information and supportive services to the woman veterans in attendance.

The next event planned by North Texas VES is with a local Harley Davidson dealership on May 21.

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