The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) invites Texas women veterans to join its Women Veterans Network at a virtual event on March 23, 2023. The event will highlight services and benefits available in various areas of the state and provides the opportunity for women veterans to join the network, meet regularly and share their stories. Veteran attendees will receive “Proudly Served” buttons. Texas has the highest women veteran population in the nation with over 200,000 women veterans.
“Having served our country is to be part of its history. As March is Women’s History Month, we are reaching out to the women who served so they can continue their camaraderie and also ensure they know about the benefits they have earned,” said Dr. Krystle Matthews, TVC Women Veterans Program Director and Army veteran.
The meeting starts in East Texas at 9 a.m (see map for counties*). Register to join at
Subsequent meetings are scheduled hourly across the state as follows: 10 a.m. in North Texas, 11 a.m. in South Texas and 12 p.m. West Texas. See map* for counties in each area. All times Central.
Helping veterans starts here. The Texas Veterans Commission advocates for and provides superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families and survivors. The TVC assists veterans with receiving their benefits, provides funding to agencies which provide direct services to veterans and provides administration of the Hazlewood Act education benefits. Learn more at .
*Women Veterans Program District Map