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At 2,700 successful claims & counting, Veteran County Service Officer Rios is benefits savvy

“Every time that we are able to get someone their benefits, we consider that a success,” said Juan M. Rios, Sr., Tarrant County Assistant Veteran Service Officer.

Having completed nearly 2,700 claims for veterans disability, non-service-connected pension, and survivors benefits, Rios creates much success.

Rios’s advice to his fellow veterans is “Do not hesitate to ask. Most are too proud to ask for help but if you do not ask you will never know if you are eligible for the help.”

With his vast knowledge of rules and regulations regarding claims, pensions, bonuses, and veterans’ relief, Rios is able to serve his customers effectively and efficiently. Further, he is familiar with other resources in the community, such as the United Way, Catholic Charities, Texas Workforce Commission and TVC, which he can refer veterans to for a wide range of assistance.

At his office in Fort Worth, Rios is known to keep his teammates in good spirits while sharing ideas, leading by example and mentoring and communicating proficiently with everyone he encounters.

Rios’s outstanding service to veterans was honored by the TVC in December 2020, when the agency presented him the TVC 2020 Excellence Award.

Pictured are Juan Rios and his Excellence Award.

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