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Senators Menéndez, Hall & Representative Tinderholt honored for support & advocacy for veterans

Sen. Menendez recog.11-11-21 photo

Texas State Senators José Menéndez and Bob Hall, and Representative Tony Tinderholt received special recognition from the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) for their consistent, strong support and advocacy on veterans issues throughout their years of service in the Legislature.

Menéndez’s support has included authoring and working to pass bills which improved higher education and the college environment for veterans. He also successfully advocated for veteran mental health programs to include family members and allow veterans of any discharge status, other than dishonorable, to be eligible for these services.

Before becoming a Senator, Menéndez served as the chairman of the House of Representatives Defense and Veterans Affairs Committee. As a Senator, Menéndez has served as a member of the Veteran Affairs & Border Security Committee.

TVC presented Menéndez with a special recognition for his longstanding and staunch support of veterans on November 11, 2021 at San Antonio College.

Pictured from left are TVC Chairwoman and Navy veteran Laura Koerner, Senator Menéndez, and TVC Executive Director and Army veteran Thomas Palladino.

TVC recognized Senator Bob Hall on December 3. Hall, an Air Force veteran, is currently the vice chairman of the Texas Senate Veteran Affairs & Border Security Committee and has been a member of that committee for the past three regular sessions. In the 2019 legislative session, Hall authored legislation that ensured continued operations of TVC. This included proof of effectiveness of the agency through viable performance measures and outreach efforts.

Pictured from left are TVC Executive Director Palladino, Sen. Hall, and TVC Commissioner and Army veteran Mary Dale.

Texas House of Representative Member Tony Tinderholt is the Chairman of the House Veterans Caucus and a member of the Committee on Defense & Veterans’ Affairs. Tinderholt co-authored legislation to create grants for nonprofits to provide job training to veterans and to facilitate transitioning military certifications to civilian careers. He too has advocated for enhancement to veteran mental health programs.

Tinderholt is a veteran with a decorated 21 year career, having served in both the Air Force and Army.

TVC presented Tinderholt with a special recognition for his longstanding and strong support of veterans on December 3, 2021 at the Capital. Pictured from left, front row, are TVC Executive Director Palladino, Rep. Tinderholt, a veteran of both the Air Force and Army; and TVC Chairwoman Koerner. Joining the presentation on the back row are Tinderholt’s wife and children.


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