AUSTIN, TX – On August 27, 2021; the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) presented $3,025,000 in grants to 12 organizations for providing services to approximately 5,000 San Antonio area veterans.
These FVA grants support a wide range of services for veterans in this area including housing, financial aid, transportation and mental health.
The grant recipients and their services include:
Alamo Area Council of Governments – two grants for a total of $600,000; this includes:
- one $300,000 General Assistance grant to fund transportation programs and services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses across 13 counties within the Alamo and South Texas Regions.
- one $300,000 Housing for Texas Heroes grant funding home modification services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses in 13 counties within the Alamo and South Texas Regions.
Bexar County Felony Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) – one VTC grant for a total of $75,000; this grant funds Treatment Court services for veterans in Bexar County. Veterans Treatment Courts are designed to provide justice involved veterans with the resources and assistance to get their life back on track. The court presents each with an individualized plan to complete over a period of several months. Regular court appearances are scheduled to monitor progress. If the veteran successfully completes the treatment, charges may be permanently removed.
Bexar County Misdemeanor VTC – one VTC grant for a total of $250,000; this grant funds Treatment Court services for veterans in Bexar County.
Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc. – one General Assistance grant for a total of $150,000; this grant funds financial assistance services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses across 21 counties within the Alamo and South Texas Regions.
Endeavors (Family Endeavors) – two grants for a total of $800,000; this includes:
- one $300,000 General Assistance grant funding financial assistance services for veterans and surviving spouses across 84 counties within the Alamo, South, Gulf Coast, Central, East, and North Texas Regions.
- one $500,000 Veterans Mental Health grant funds clinical counseling services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses in any of Texas’ 254 counties.
Family Service Association of San Antonio, Inc. – one General Assistance grant for a total of $200,000; this grant funds employment support services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses across 9 counties within the Alamo Region.
Guadalupe County VTC – one VTC grant for a total of $100,000; this grant funds Treatment Court services for veterans across seven counties within the Alamo and Central Texas Regions.
Operation Homefront, Inc. – one General Assistance grant for a total of $100,000; this grant funds supportive services for veterans and dependents in any of Texas’ 254 counties.
Project MEND – one General Assistance grant for a total of $300,000; this grant funds supportive services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses across 103 counties within the Alamo, South Texas, Gulf Coast, and Central Texas Regions.
Rise Recovery – one Mental Health grant for a total of $75,000; this grant funds Peer support services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses in Bexar County. Peer-Delivered Services are delivered in a non-clinical environment by trained/certified individuals who share a military “lived experience” with clients.
SAMMinistries (San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry, Inc.) – one General Assistance grant for a total of $300,000; this grant funds financial assistance services for veterans, dependents, and surviving spouses in Bexar County.
Val Verde County Veteran County Service Office (VCSO) – one General Assistance grant for a total of $75,000; this grant funds transportation programs and services for veterans in Kinney and Val Verde Counties.
The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Commissioners approved these grant awards in May as part of an overall grant program providing 147 grants to organizations across Texas with grants totaling $33.4 million for 2021-2022. These grants will serve an estimated 30,000 veterans.
Since 2009 through the 2020-2021 grant cycle, $168 million in grant funding has been awarded through 820 FVA grants and served more than 350,000 Texas veterans and their families.
The grants support a wide range of services from emergency financial assistance to transportation, legal services to family support services and home modification to rental and mortgage assistance. The TVC awards grants in five categories: General Assistance, Housing for Texas Heroes, Veterans Mental Health Grants, Veterans Treatment Courts and Veteran County Service Officers.
Veterans in need of assistance can find the organizations providing help in their area and how to contact them at
Funding for these grants is generated primarily by the Texas Lottery Commission’s games designated for veteran support. Other sources of funding for the grants come from individual donation options on drivers’ licenses, licenses to carry a handgun, outdoor recreation licenses for hunting and fishing, and vehicle registrations.
Helping veterans starts here. The Texas Veterans Commission advocates for and provides superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families and survivors. The TVC assists veterans with receiving their benefits, provides funding to agencies which provide direct services to veterans and provides administration of the Hazlewood Act education benefits. Learn more at .