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Increasing Claims ratings & helping veterans not go it alone

“Lavette Domineck is awesome. I went from 40 to 80 and she was always able to answer any question I had about the whole process,” Kip Pollard posted in a Google review regarding the assistance he received from the Dallas County Veteran Services Office.

Lavette K. Domineck is the Lead Assistant Veteran Services Officer for Dallas County and an Army veteran.

Photo of Lavette Domineck

“I am dedicated and passionate about assisting veterans, surviving spouses and eligible dependents with obtaining benefits from the Department of Veteran Affairs,” said Domineck, pictured.

She encourages veterans to claim their benefits and to get a qualified helper for the process. “Please reach out to your local County Veteran Services Office in your area of residence to get assistance with any local, state, and/or federal benefits you may be entitled to. Do your research and find an accredited County Veteran Services Office that is passionate about assisting veterans. This will assist you tremendously. This is a process and I would not advocate for any veteran to do this alone.”

“I was afraid to have my Claim reviewed because I didn’t want to believe that I needed help. After talking with Lavette Domineck, I realized that asking for help was not a sign of weakness. Her professionalism and knowledge made it so easy to talk to her and work with her. My claim was submitted and completed with me now getting the support I need for my condition. She also provided all-star treatment,” Brandy B posted in a Google review.

Domineck provides assistance with Claims and helps veterans and their surviving spouses and dependents understand local, state and federal benefits available. Additionally, “I direct them to appropriate resources and benefits for which they may be eligible to include housing, financial assistance, obtaining DD214, etc.,” said Domineck. She is accredited by the VA, the Texas Veterans Commission and the National Association of Veterans County Service Officers.

Her dedication to improving the quality of service to veterans has led her to take leadership roles with the Veterans County Service Officers Association of Texas (VCSOAT). “I currently hold the position as the Women Veterans Coordinator for the Veterans County Service Officers Association of Texas. I held the position of Secretary for VCSOAT from 2014-2016. I also was a former member of the National Association of State Women Veteran Coordinators and I received the Outstanding Officer of the Year Award for 2015-2016 (state level) with VCSOAT,” said Domineck.

Veterans can connect with Domineck at her office in Garland at 715 Rowlett Road, by phone (Office: 214-819-2898; Cell: 214-980-4593) or email

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