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Conversations reveal causes for Claims

photo of Paul Baker Robertson County VCSO.cropped

“Sometimes they have injuries they don’t know about until we talk,” said Paul Baker, Robertson County Veteran Service Officer and an Air Force veteran. “I try to take time to interview every veteran who comes in, at length.”

photo of Paul Baker Robertson County VCSO.cropped

Baker, pictured, advises veterans to get started on their Claims. “Veterans considering a Claim should do it now.  Do not wait. As time passes, other events can intervene and increase an injury to the point that the VA will not connect it to service.”

Assistance for veterans in filing Claims is available from Veteran County Service Officers like Baker. “I have been able to submit a number of Claims that brought veterans to 100% (disability rating); and, a couple with substantial retroactive benefit payments.” He’s also provided rides for veterans to the VA in Temple.

Baker’s commitment to providing the best service to veterans is shown in his pursuit of earning accreditation from the VA to assist with Claims. When he became the Robertson County Veteran Service Officer in January 2021, the position did not pay enough hours to become accredited. “I approached the Commissioner’s Court in April 2021 and they increased my hours to 20 per week.” Baker then took VA Claims accreditation from the Texas Veterans Commission and became accredited in late 2021. “Only two VSOs in the Brazos Valley are accredited, so I talk to veterans from a number of surrounding counties.”

Baker is further connected with his community by being active with the American Legion, VFW, and DAV. “I participate in events with all three groups as much as I can.”

Prior to coming to Robertson County, he lived in Wisconsin and was a DAV Chapter Service Officer. Having family roots in Texas, he visited a cousin in Huntsville about three years ago and decided he liked it. Later, he and his wife later moved to Texas.

His military service included being in the Air Force Security Police from Oct 1968 to September 1972. “I saw overseas service at Andersen AFB, Guam and U-Tapao Royal Thai Airfield, Thailand during the Vietnam conflict.”

Veterans can visit Baker at his office located at 209 Cedar Street in Hearne; or contact him by email at :,or phone 979-280-5994.

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