On February 14, 2023, Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Claims Benefits Advisor (CBA) and Navy veteran Danette Craig met with a Vietnam war Amy veteran who had recently moved to the College Station area from California. Upon learning the veteran was in poor health, living in a hotel and experiencing severe financial hardship, Craig requested a priority processing for the veteran’s Claims. On February 27, the VA completed processing the veteran’s claim and awarded him over $306,600 in retro payment as his award date went back to 2015.
In getting this expedited award, Craig had to overcome a Claim with a history of errors. The veteran had initially filed the Claim in May 2022, while still residing in California. After moving to Texas later that year, it was discovered his Claim was made on a wrong form and closed. The veteran’s Claim was resubmitted on the correct form and new exams Compensation and Pension exams (C & P exams) were setup for him. “After the exams, the VA once again came back and informed the veteran his claims were incorrectly established as they were on the wrong forms. It was established the VA erred in sending the letter,” said Craig, pictured.
By the time of his meeting with Craig in February 2023, “the veteran was very frustrated with the entire Claims process,” said Craig.
After that meeting and working of his Claim, she discovered once again his claim was on hold with a note stating his representative with Power of Attorney (POA) could not sign as it was an original claim. Craig showed the VA it was not his original Claim, therefore the POA was authorized to sign. Additionally, she corrected the VA on the denial of his claim due to his Character of Discharge, as his discharge had been upgraded.
Craig noted that since receiving his retro payment of over $306,600, the veteran’s financial hardship has been alleviated and he has made an offer on a house.