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At Corpus Christi Veteran Stand Down, Claims filed on the spot

Claims were filed, hot lunches served, flu shots and haircuts were given and items for warmth and hygiene provided at the Corpus Christi Veterans Stand Down serving homeless veterans. Held November 12, 2021, the event was attended by 43 veterans and 20 community resource representatives participated, including the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Corpus Christi team. TVC Claims and Veteran Employment were on hand as well as the Nueces Veteran County Service Officer (VCSO) J.J. De La Cerda and local VA representatives.

TVC Claims Benefits Advisors (CBAs) filed three Claims on the spot, and two veterans completed Power of Attorney forms so that TVC could represent them.

Pictured, TVC CBA Stephanie Villarreal assists a veteran at the Corpus Christi Veteran Stand Down.

Veterans were able to acquire basic items for immediate use, such as winter clothing and hygiene kits. Hot lunches were provided for the event by Celanese Corporation. Giving haircuts on the spot were Sports Clips volunteers. VA staff were on hand to give flu shots and help veterans through the VA Homeless Program assistance. Other community resources were available to answer questions for assistance including Texas Veteran Network representative Art Montiel and Texas Veterans Leadership Program representative Gina Bohnert

Promoted as “One stop access to services that benefit you,” the Homeless Veterans Stand Down had its inception in 2016 by then Nueces County Veterans Service Officer Martin A. Longoria, U.S. Army Major (Retired), with the assistance of TVC CBA Stephanie Villarreal. The event is supported by the Mayor’s Committee for Veteran’s Affairs, of which Longoria is now Chairman and served as speaker and presenter of the event.

Pictured at the Corpus Christi Veteran Stand Down are, from left, TVC CBAs Santos ‘Mo’ Molina, Stephanie Villarreal, Patricia ‘Trishelle’ Trevino and TVC Employment Services Veteran Career Advisor Durashia ‘Button’ Frizzell.

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