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Veteran Education Excellence Recognition Award honors 14 Texas universities & colleges

On September 23, 2021, 14 institutions of higher learning from around Texas were honored with the first ever Veteran Education Excellence Recognition Award by the Texas Veterans Commission’s (TVC) Veterans Education Program. This new award established by the State of Texas recognizes universities and colleges that provide excellence in education and related services which significantly contribute to the academic success of student veterans and military connected students.

TVC provides three levels of recognition intended to highlight the depth and breadth of services provided to veteran students and their families. The three award levels are gold, silver and bronze. The universities and colleges below were awarded.


Angelo State University Gold
University of Texas Arlington Gold
University of Texas Dallas Gold
Texas A&M – College Station Gold
San Antonio College Gold
Palo Alto College Gold
University of Texas at Austin Gold
Collin College Gold
Texas State University Gold



Northeast Lakeview College Silver
Texas A&M – San Antonio Silver
Texas Tech University Silver



St. Phillip’s College Bronze
South Texas College Bronze

Texas Veterans Commission evaluated applicants on a variety of criteria that highlight the various education and ancillary services offered by an institution, and which contribute greatly to the overall success of veteran students and their families. Each application is evaluated as to the existence and quality of:

  • a centralized place for students who are veterans to meet or find assistance and information
  • an institution employee who serves as a central point of contact for students who are veterans
  • a United States Department of Veterans Affairs work-study program; admissions and enrollment policies for veterans
  • new student orientation and courses for veterans
  • a student organization for veterans
  • academic support services for students who are veterans
  • mental health and disability services
  • a housing policy that applies to veterans
  • faculty and staff training on issues affecting students who are veterans
  • career services for students who are veterans
  • any other criteria considered necessary or appropriate by the commission.

All public institutions of higher education in Texas – colleges and universities – were invited to submit application packages for recognition of the support services provided to student veterans and military-connected students.

The award was authorized by the Texas Legislature to promote best practices and recognize institutions of higher education for excellence in providing education and related services to student veterans and military-connected students. TVC launched the Veteran Education Excellence Recognition Award during fiscal year 2021.

For more information on the award visit

Helping veterans starts here. The Texas Veterans Commission advocates for and provides superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families and survivors. The TVC assists veterans with receiving their benefits, provides funding to agencies which provide direct services to veterans and provides administration of the Hazlewood Act education benefits. Learn more at .

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