The VA 2020 Virtual Economic Investment Initiative (EII) for San Antonio will be held on September 24th and 25th. The event is produced by the VA Office of Transition and Economic Development to connect large veteran and transitioning military populations of specific geographic regions with benefits, services, and employment opportunities. The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is participating in the EII including TVC Chairwoman Laura Koerner being a panelist at the event’s town hall session. Additionally, TVC representatives will be on stakeholder round table sessions including transitioning military and benefits, women veterans and employment.
At the town hall session, Koerner, a Navy veteran, is ready to inform transitioning military of TVC services and has this advice. “When you get out of the military, hang on to your DD214. Keep it safe and available. You’ll need it to verify your veteran status for employment and to claim the benefits you’ve earned.”
Join us on a virtual town hall where local issues affecting the military and Veteran communities will be discussed with federal, state and local representatives. The town hall is scheduled for Thursday, September 24, 2020 from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (CST). Veterans and service members can attend the town hall by calling 1-872-701-0185 (conference ID 631 169 036#), or join online at Join Microsoft Teams Meeting (join using your browser).