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Matching skills to civilian jobs

Marine Corp veteran Sara Brogan served as an Airframe Mechanic. Army veteran Christin Schleker’s military background consisted of medical logistics. Both had barriers to employment. Here’s how each overcame those barriers.

Brogan responded to a general outreach to new veterans registered in in January 2021. This outreach was initiated by Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Rural Veteran Career Advisor (RVCA) Pam Hardin who works from the Greenville, Texas Workforce Solutions office. Hardin’s initial assessment determined that Brogan was eligible for Individualized Career Services due to her qualifying barriers to employment.

“Brogan agreed to take advantage of Employment Plan methods to address her barriers; namely, ineffective job search efforts, being new to the Greenville area and her service-connected disability,” said Ron Abrams, TVC Employment District Outreach Coordinator and Army retired.

“Pam immediately addressed the veteran’s first barrier to employment; ineffective job search efforts. Pam provided a Resume Writing Instruction Packet and a critique of the finished product. Once a viable resume was produced, Pam submitted a request for Ms. Brogan to receive a Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Pre-Certification Letter. The WOTC allows employers an opportunity to receive up to $9,600.00 in tax credits; for each Veteran they hire.”

On Brogan’s resume, Hardin noticed a skill set greatly valued by a company seeking the same; L-3 Technologies seeking Airframe Mechanics. Brogan’s resume and a referral letter were forwarded by Hardin to a contact she had at L-3 Technologies. Brogan was quickly interviewed, and L-3 Technologies offered her a position as an Airplane Mechanic. Brogan stared work, full-time, on March 1, 2021.

“Outstanding employer rapport by Pam,” said Abrams.

Pictured is Brogan working on an aircraft.

Christin Schleker, a medically discharged Army veteran and a single mother of two sons, walked into the McKinney, Texas Workforce Solutions Office seeking employment assistance in November 2020. There, she was greeted by TVC Veteran Career Advisor (VCA)and Army veteran, Bobby Lee Williams. Lee’s initial assessment determined Schleker was eligible for Individualized Career Services.

“Schleker agreed to be entered into an Employment Plan to achieve her goal of obtaining suitable and gainful employment. She stated that she experienced significant barriers to employment, namely due to her service-connected disability & low income because of unemployment,” said Abrams. “Lee was integral in transforming her resume and subsequently initiated case conferencing efforts with Tracy Griffard, Veteran Employment Liaison (VEL)and Army Veteran at the McKinney Workforce Center.”

From her resume, Griffard saw Schleker’s extensive background and skills. Schleker had owned her own fencing business, Nailedit1st Construction Co., LLC, for 4 yrs. As owner and operator, she did it all; sales, installation, coordinating, planning, and supporting the daily operational functions of the business. Griffard referred the veteran to several job opportunities.

Assisted by the collaborative efforts of VCA Lee and VEL Griffard; Schleker was hired on March 21, 2021 by Redfin Real Estate Company in McKinney as their Estimator.

“Exceptional teamwork by Bobby Lee and Tracy Griffard!” said Abrams. “Veterans helping veterans; no one left behind!

TVC Employment Services staff are located in American Job Centers/Workforce Solutions offices across Texas. Veterans can find their local offices at this web site

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