“When I met my client William, he was homeless and living in his truck with his dog,” read the report from Kelley Harrell of Goodwill Central Texas. “He told me his story. It was full of details of how he ended up homeless and his struggle to get out of that situation. He needed assistance with housing to help him move forward. William quickly collected all the necessary documents for our Intake Team and was enrolled in our Veterans Support Program funded by the Texas Veterans Commission (Fund for Veterans’ Assistance).”
“The VA was also working with William and found him an available and affordable apartment. He still needed help with the deposit and first month’s rent. We were able to provide the funds necessary to make this happen. He immediately moved into his apartment expressing much relief and happiness to leave behind his homeless situation.”
William also asked about going to commercial driving school to attain his license (CDL).
“We first enrolled him in Career Advancement Essentials. He successfully completed this and began his CDL training. He had perfect attendance and completed all assignments and thoroughly enjoyed learning how to drive trucks. William is now practicing for the driving portion of his training before taking his driver’s test to attain his Class A CDL license. He is working with Goodwill job placement services to find employment as a commercial driver. With his updated resume he already has several jobs leads!”
Veterans needing assistance can find the organizations providing help in their area at with the FVA Directories at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/assistance/ .
Goodwill Central Texas’s veterans services are supported by grants from the Texas Veterans Commission’s Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.