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Caldwell County Veterans Service Officer expands services with Fund for Veterans’ Assistance grant

Caldwell’s Veterans County Service Officer (VCSO) Dr. Al Dos Santos is offering more services to veterans with the help of a Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) grant awarded in July.

“With the award of a (TVC) Fund for Veterans’ Assistance grant, this office can now provide assistance with housing expenditures such as rent, utilities, transportation, food and legal documentation,” said Santos. “The main areas we work in in Caldwell is food and transportation. We have several that need transportation to clinics.”

This compliments the regular assistance such as completing disability claims, special monthly pensions, and aid and attendance claims he provides veterans and their families.

Santos noted that in the past year, his office worked toward several substantial awards to local veterans ranging from $45,000 to $134,000 in compensation reimbursements.

“Patience and perseverance have been the key essentials to these awards. My best advice to veterans needing assistance is to collect as much documentation in advance so that the claim can be processed in a timely manner, in our current social environment, patience is a valuable,” said Santos.

“We also provide assistance with memorial services, collection of private medical records, honor guard services and assistance with obtaining legal representation,” added Santos.

This office is further involved with the community in events such as the Memorial Day remembrance and barbecue, the Veteran’s Day luncheon and holiday food delivery to needy families in Caldwell County.

“This office also provides ministry to veterans in nursing homes and rehabilitation clinics within the county and works with both American Legion posts and the VFW post in Caldwell County to accomplish these activities,” said Santos.

Pictured is Santos.

Caldwell VCSO Dr. Al Dos Santos

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