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Blue Water Navy survivor awarded, over $250M in claims paid this fiscal year

Since the start of the fiscal year in September 2019 through April 30, 2020, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Claims Department has assisted veterans in receiving over $250 million in retroactive payments plus annual increases.

Of the $250 million, $107 million was in retroactive pay disbursed to 7,088 veterans throughout the state. That’s an average of over $15,000 per veteran. Additionally, $145 million in annual increases was disbursed to 7,088 veterans throughout the state, an average of over $20,000 per veteran.

Add to that in May, $444,394 in retroactive accrued benefits was awarded to the widow of a Blue Water Navy Veteran. The award was the result of a great collaborative effort between Montgomery County Veteran Service Officer Karen Karr and TVC Houston Strike Force members Milton Austin and Van Stringer. Benefits were awarded back to 2005, with Special Monthly Compensation, for this substitution of claimant case.

“The case reflects outstanding work for a Texas veteran and his family to recognize his contribution to this country and the benefits he earned through his service,” said TVC Claims Operations Manager Ryan Pavlu.

Claims activity has been on the rise with interactions with veterans up 600% between March 23 and May 28, 2020.

As a health precaution, TVC Claims continues to serve veterans via remote methods. It’s as easy as a phone call. Find Claims contacts to call by city at Claims.

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