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Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court lauded by Chairwoman Koerner

Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Chairwoman and Navy veteran Laura Koerner spoke at the Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court Graduation virtual event on December 14, 2020.

“This past year has been especially challenging. I thank you all for keeping veterans treatment court working through the pandemic and within health precautions,” said Koerner. “COVID has caused the court to change from in-person counseling and functions. The pandemic may add more mental stress to an already rigorous program. I applaud you all, the members of this court and graduates for the success we celebrate today.”

Veterans Treatment Courts are designed to provide justice involved veterans the resources and assistance to return to their families and communities. The court presents each with an individualized plan to complete over a period of several months. Regular court appearances are scheduled to monitor progress. If the veteran successfully completes the treatment, charges may be permanently removed.

The Texas Veterans Commission supports Bexar County’s Veterans Treatment Court with grants from TVC’s Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.

“This year, Bexar County received a $150,000 grant for its Felony Treatment Court, plus a $250,000 grant for Misdemeanor Treatment Court,” said Koerner. “In the 4 previous years, the Texas Veterans Commission has granted over $1 million to Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court with the utmost confidence in its success. Over the years, more than 500 veterans have graduated from this court, which is proof of its success.”

Pictured is TVC Chairwoman Laura Koerner.

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