As the Division Director for Program Operations, Mr. Catoe is responsible for the agency’s departments that serve Texas veterans by filing disability claims, assisting with employment or transitioning from the military, approving education and training programs for GI Bill® use, administering the Hazlewood state education benefit and providing healthcare advocacy at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ medical facilities. Mr. Catoe assumed his current role as the Division Director of Program Operations in June of 2019. Mr. Catoe has been with TVC since October 2014 and held various positions in Veterans Education and the Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.
Mr. Catoe is 27-year retired Air Force veteran. While serving in the Air Force, Colonel Catoe was a Command Pilot with more than 4,200 total flying hours (300 in combat) and held command positions at the squadron and group levels. Mr. Catoe holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the United States Air Force Academy, two master’s degrees from Air University, and one master’s degree from Embry-Riddle University. He also holds a graduate certification in Grants Management. He has been married to his wife, Georgia, for 36 years and together they raised 3 wonderful children who have in-turn blest them with 2 grandchildren.