AUSTIN, TX – June 12th is Women Veterans Day, commemorating the day President Harry Truman signed the bill enabling women to serve as permanent, regular members of U.S. Armed Forces, on June 12, 1948.
Prior to the enactment of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act in 1948, women serving in the military could enlist as volunteers in clerical positions or work as nurses, and in special, temporary units such as Women’s Army Corps full army status during WWII.
Today, women serve in all military occupational specialties, including logistics, munitions, intelligence, and combat.
After service, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) encourages women veterans to claim the benefits they have earned. These include education benefits, disability compensation, health care and more. Additionally, TVC has a Programa de Mujeres Veteranas to better address the needs, issues and topics specific to women who served. It also has a Women Veterans Network which meets monthly and covers topics from finances to trauma, plus provides the opportunity to share stories.
Texas has the highest women veteran population in the nation with over 190,000 women veterans.
Upcoming celebrations and commemorations around Texas include:
A Day of Recognition & Service – June 3 in San Antonio
Women Veterans Photo Tribute – June 3 in Midland
Women in the Military Breakfast – June 8 at Joint Base San Antonio
Salute to Women Veterans – June 9 in Tyler
Texas Women Veterans Day – June 10 at San Antonio College Victory Center
Camaraderie and Ladies Brunch – June 10 in McAllen
Women Veterans Empowerment Expo – June 10 in Houston
Women Veterans Day Brunch – June 11 in El Paso
Take a Walk in Her Boots 5K & 1 Mile – June 11 in El Paso
Texas Women Veterans Day – June 12 in Houston
Honrando a las mujeres veteranas – June 17 in Kerrville
Women Veterans Gala – June17 in San Angelo
Find these and other veteran events on TVC’s Events Calendar, Facebook, Gorjeo y Instagram.
Ayudar a los veteranos comienza aquí. La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas aboga y brinda un servicio superior a los veteranos que mejorará significativamente la calidad de vida de todos los veteranos de Texas, sus familias y los sobrevivientes. TVC ayuda a los veteranos a recibir sus beneficios, proporciona fondos a agencias que brindan servicios directos a los veteranos y administra los beneficios educativos de la Ley Hazlewood. Obtenga más información en .