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Abogacia para Atención Médica

Sean Lewis holding his award
Abogacia para Atención Médica

Over 460 VA health care issues resolved, hundreds of veteran connections made earn Health Care Advocate Lewis Team Impact Award

Pictured from left are Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Chairwoman Laura Koerner, Health Care Advocate Sean Lewis, Executive Director Tom Palladino and TVC Commissioner Chuck Wright. TVC Health Care Advocate and Army veteran Sean Lewis successfully resolved 468 VA health care issues for veterans with positive results in the past year.

Shonda Roy
Abogacia para Atención Médica

VA gives High 5 to Health Care Advocate Shonda Roy

TVC Health Care Advocate Shonda Roy in Beaumont got a “High 5” in the Houston VA newsletter for the caring assistance she provided a veteran’s surviving spouse. The VA Houston High Fives newsletter stated “Shonda did an exceptional job helping a grieving spouse trying to obtain the Veteran’s DD 214,

Health Care Advocacy salva a veteranos $1,58 millones y resuelve 19.400 casos

In a single year (FY 2023), the Health Care Advocacy Department closed over 19,400 cases in which a veteran came to them with a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) related medical issue. Additionally, HCAD saved veterans a combined total of over $1.58M by resolving issues with VHA and non-VHA billings. Health

VA cambia para aumentar varios beneficios

Vehicle purchases, life insurance, clothing allowances and settlements for Camp Lejeune conditions are among benefits recently adjusted by the VA for eligible veterans. Veterans qualified for the VA to purchase transportation may now get a new vehicle every 10 years. VA approved clothing allowances for garments damaged by skin medicine

Health Care Advocate Luttrall saves veteran $336,000 in medical expenses

After an Amarillo area veteran was taken to the Emergency Room and admitted into a hospital, his subsequent medical treatments reached an overall cost of approximately $340,000. Upon arriving at the hospital, he called Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Health Care Advocate (HCA) and Navy veteran Linda Luttrall. “I was the

photo of Gary Lee
Abogacia para Atención Médica

Health Care Advocacy resuelve 11,300 casos y ahorra a los veteranos más de $709,000

During Fiscal Year 2021-2022, from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Health Care Advocacy Department (HCAD) closed over 11,300 cases in which a veteran came to them with a medical issue and HCAD resolved it or connected the veteran with a “warm handoff” to

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