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Comunicados de prensa

Declaración sobre los CIERRES de Brightwood College, Virginia College y Golf Academy

Declaración sobre el cierre de Brightwood College, Virginia College y Golf Academy AUSTIN – La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas (TVC) ha sido informada que Education Corporation of America está cerrando, o ya ha cerrado, varias instituciones educativas/de capacitación en Texas: Brightwood College, Virginia College y Academia de Golf. TVC está contactando a estas instituciones para identificar

TVC names 2017 Employment Award winners

AUSTIN – The Texas Veterans Commission is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 TVC Employers Awards. These awards recognize both public and private-sector employers whose efforts and initiatives have had an extraordinary effect on Texas veterans, other employers, workers, and the communities in which the employer does business.

Declaración sobre el cierre del centro de carreras Retail Ready

AUSTIN – On Sept. 20, 2017, the Texas Veterans Commission was informed that a search warrant had been executed at the Retail Ready Career Center in Garland, Texas which is being investigated by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General. The TVC’s Education Program serves as the

HB 3710 raises $173K for Texas veterans

AUSTIN, Texas – Texans have donated more than $173,000 to support the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance since House Bill 3710 went into effect on Sept. 1, 2015. Signed into law last June, H.B. 3710 added an option for individuals applying for or renewing a License to Carry

Women Veteran Entrepreneur Seminar March 12 in Arlington

AUSTIN – The Texas Veterans Commission is conducting a Women Veteran Entrepreneur Seminar on March 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will take place at the University of Texas Arlington (College of Business), Room 245, 701 South West Street, Arlington, Texas 76019. The seminar is open to all

Texas Veterans Commission recognizes Lt. Gov. Dewhurst

TEXAS – Today, the Texas Veterans Commission will be awarding Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst the Texas Veterans Commission Leadership Award in recognition of his leadership on Veterans’ issues as the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Texas. Lt. Gov. Dewhurst, working with Gov. Rick Perry, and House Speaker Joe Straus

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