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Premio VA Amigo del Trabajo Social entregado al supervisor de reclamos de TVC, Robert Dimas

Roberto.Dimas_CBA_McAllen.2020.cropped.23x27 photo

The VA Friend of Social Work Award was presented to TVC Claims Southwest District Supervisor and Marine Corps veteran Robert Dimas, pictured, in March 2024.


“The award comes from the consistent, dedicated interface with the VA social workers,” said Claims Southwest District Manager and Army veteran Mike Jaeger. “If the social worker has a question or needs a veteran to see TVC, they chat with Robert and he takes care of it.”

In addition to assisting VA social workers with questions and veteran access to TVC services, Jaeger added that Dimas provides the social workers training on Claims matters such as Aid and Attendance benefits for housebound veterans.

“This is the first VA Friend of Social Work Award anyone on the Southwest District Claims team has received,” said Jaeger.

certificate image Friend of Social Work Award_Roberto Dimas

The VA also expressed its gratitude to Dimas.

“It is a pleasure to present you with this award in recognition of your collaboration, assistance and support of our social work team. We appreciate and are thankful for all that you do,” said Jacklyn A. Padilla, LCSW-S, Military2VA Program Manager, VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System in McAllen.

“I was definitely caught by surprise. It does feel good to know that I somehow made a difference in the life of our veterans,” said Dimas.

Dimas is no stranger to award earning action. Earlier this year, he was presented a TVC Leadership award.

photo of Dimas holding TVC leadership award

“Robert has always volunteered and taken the initiative since he has been in the Claims Southwest District,” said Jaeger. “This last year his leadership traits were especially noted on his interview to become the Rio Grande Valley Area Supervisor. He is confident and he trains and takes extremely good care of the people that are assigned to his four offices.”

Congratulations Robert!

Pictured, TVC Executive Director and Army veteran Tom Palladino presents Dimas the TVC Leadership Award.

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