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Desde apnea del sueño hasta clasificación de discapacidad 100%, Claims obtiene beneficios para veteranos obtenidos

Margaret Jowers

In July, a San Antonio veteran worked with Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Claims Benefits Advisor (CBA) Margaret Jowers on filing his obstructive sleep apnea as a secondary claim to already service connected PTSD.

In August, the veteran called Jowers to tell her the VA rating notification granted not only the obstructive sleep apnea as secondary claim to his service connected PTSD, they made him 100% Permanent and Total (P&T).

Jowers accomplished this working remotely within the health precautions required by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jowers, pictured, is an Army veteran, and a Navy Spouse.

Margaret Jowers

Book an appointment with our TVC Claims Benefit Advisors.

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