Oficinas de TVC cerradas el Día del Trabajo

Las oficinas de TVC estarán cerradas el lunes 4 de septiembre por el Día del Trabajo. Por favor contáctenos a través de nuestro sitio web o correo electrónico.

Marisa Bacarreza

Marisa Bacarreza, SMSgt (retirado)

Rango: SMSgt (retirado)

Descripción general de veteranos

I was HONORED and BLESSED to serve in the US Air Force. I joined February 2002, shortly after 9/11/01 tragedy. I felt I needed to do anything I was able to do and serve our country. I met my spouse and was able to build a life I never could have imagined. It was never my intention to make it a career and retire. I owe everything to the USAF and couldn't be more proud of the person it has made me today.

Fechas de servicio


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