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Veteran-owned businesses saluted at Governor’s Small Business Summit

Veteran-owned businesses and entrepreneurs are saluted by the Governor’s Small Business Summit on November 14 in Wichita Falls. Veteran business owners and those who aspire to be can meet the TVC Entrepreneur team there.

Registration is $20; find more information and register at .

Governor's Small Business Summit text logo

The State of Texas provides benefits for new, veteran owned businesses. This includes waiving some startup fees plus waiving state franchise taxes for the initial five years. As the state’s certifying official for the benefit, TVC’s Entrepreneur Program verifies the veteran’s eligibility and assists through the formation and the refund process for initial business development fees for those eligible. Further, upon establishing the new business, they can also certify the business as a TVC Veteran-Owned Business for marketing purposes in addition to assisting with business planning and development, finding capital, marketing and more.

Veterans around Texas who want to start a business or that already own one can connect with the TVC Entrepreneur team to help develop their businesses.

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