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TVC Claims Benefits Advisor Zamora wins $414K for veteran at appeal

A Brownsville area veteran was awarded over $414,104 in retroactive pay in late July after TVC Claims Benefits Advisor and Army veteran Jose Zamora represented him at the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA).

The conditions addressed by the veteran’s claim were depression, stress, anxiety, sleep dysfunction/disorder, PTSD and claustrophobia.

Jose Zamora

“The main error that I discussed during the BVA hearing was that the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) never properly interpreted the C&P (Compensation and Pension) medical evaluation conducted in 2011,” said Zamora. “It clearly indicated that the mental condition was due to and affected by the head injury the veteran suffered while on active duty service. In addition to this error, I worked with the veteran to get an additional independent medical opinion (IMO) that also supported the fact that the mental condition was being affected/ aggravated by other service connected issues. The IMO is quoted in the BVA decision.”

According to Zamora, a factor in the high amount of retroactive compensation is because in 2010 the veteran’s disability compensation rating was only 40 percent. . “The most recent decision granted 100% with additional special monthly compensation back to 2010.”

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