TVC Offices Closed on Labor Day

TVC offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Please contact us via our website or email.

Transitioning Veteran

Veteran and Military Couple Tune-Up

One-Day Free Couples Class. Make the New Year Happier with Healthier Marriage Management! A one-day investment to acquire immediately useable tools that help you better manage any couple relationship. Led by a Veteran Couple who have been there and done that. Not like counseling: no judging, no bull, no preaching,


Click TO GET TICKETS Transition Skills Training is hosting VetsFest to help fund critical training programs that empower military families as they make the transition to civilian life.  Join us in person in Austin, on Nov 16 from 4-10 pm, or watch from wherever you are on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram

Demystifying Ai: New Tech Tools for Your Small Business

Click to REGISTER FOR EVENT This 90-minute online session is part of our annual VetBizWeek series of free entrepreneurial classes during National Veterans Small Business Week. Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business or Nonprofit – Intrigued by the potential of AI but unsure how it can benefit your

Free Writing Workshop for Women Veterans

Writing workshop for women who are serving or have served in the military. This workshop is designed to unleash the power of words and transform your unique experience in the military into something engaging. Writing can aid in: Physical and psychological health Handling stress Coping with PTSD symptoms Time is

Agribusiness Workshop with Hydroponics HOL

These Workshops will provide a basic understanding of the following topics as well as exposure to resources that beginning farmers and ranchers can and should use. Workshop 1 – Introduction to Agriculture Business — Friday, October 11, 2024, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location – 409 South Pecan, St. Lampasas TX 76650

Dept. of Labor -OBTT- Off Base Transition Training – Workshops

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER The Off-Base Transition Training (OBTT) pilot program is an opportunity for veterans, veterans currently serving in the National Guard and Reserve, and their spouses to take control of their career through workshops to help meet their employment goals. OBTT provides employment preparation, education and opportunities that

2023 Veterans Fair

Free Event in the Greater San Antonio area. Veteran Service Organizations, Employers, Free Food, & Live Music. This event is for all branches, statuses, and of course family friendly. Come out to meet with representatives from all types of services from: Benefits, Education, Mental Health, Financial, Women Veterans, Community partners,

Business Beyond the Battlefield Conference

To register click HERE Now in its 5th year, Business Beyond the Battlefield Conference is a 3-day education, training, and inspirational networking event for military connected entrepreneurs and stakeholders seeking to grow the economy through small business ownership.

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