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Getting hundreds of claims awarded for veterans earns Claims Benefits Advisor Lewis TVC Excellence Award

Pictured from left are Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Chairwoman
Laura Koerner, Claims Benefits Advisor Sean Lewis, Executive Director
Tom Palladino and Commissioner Chuck Wright.

TVC Claims Benefits Advisor and Army veteran Reggie Lewis earned a TVC Excellence award by serving over 1,300 veterans in one year which resulted in Lewis completing over 720 claims which he submitted to the VA for awarding monetary compensation to veterans. Additionally, he handled over 20 predetermination hearings to address issues with VA Raters. “Reggie used his innate ability to examine decision letters, C&P (Compensation and Pension) exams and associated correspondence to identify key issues. As a result, he was able to coordinate with VA Raters to correct these issues without a hearing in most cases,” said Danny McCloskey, TVC Claims Supervisor and Marine Corps veteran, who nominated Lewis for the award.

Lewis operates a one-person Claims office in Laredo which requires him to coordinate with TVC, VA personnel and social workers on a routine basis.

“His ability to establish himself in that role has been outstanding. He has become a vital asset and integral member to TVC and the VA as well. Whether dealing with routine appointments or responding to needs of veterans that are referred to him by VA social workers, Reggie makes it happen,” said McCloskey. “He is a great and active listener which ensures he gets to the root of any issue quickly and develops a plan to move forward. He ensures clients have a complete understanding of the process and what to expect next.”

Lewis started with TVC in October 2022, having six years previous experience as a claims advisor in Georgia.

“Reggie possesses a unique ability to connect with the veterans and family members he comes in contact with,” said McCloskey. “By doing so, he quickly puts them at ease and establishes himself as a duty expert.  As a result, Reggie has been highly successful in helping veterans and family members obtain the benefits and services they have earned. He’s been a great addition to this team.”

Congratulations Reggie!

Want help with claims? Contact a TVC Claims Benefits Advisor for assistance at no cost at .

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