TVC Offices Closed on Labor Day

TVC offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Please contact us via our website or email.

Don’t pay for claims assistance and report predatory practices


Veterans and their beneficiaries should never pay for assistance in filing disability compensation benefits claims. The VA and TVC warn veterans that they are often targets of companies and individuals known as claims predators. Claims predators often try to unlawfully charge a fee to help prepare and consult on claims with the VA. They advertise expedited claim processing times and/or guarantee higher disability ratings in exchange for their paid services. These fraudulent schemes target veterans hard-earned benefits and may subject them to excessive fees.

According to the VA, the Federal Trade Commission estimated that in 2022 alone, veterans reported $292 million in losses to fraud. Scammers continue to take advantage of new opportunities to commit fraud and fraud attempts targeting veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors are on the rise.

“Be aware of the claims sharks out there and use only organizations accredited by the VA, such as TVC or your veteran county service officers,” said TVC Claims Southwest District Manager and Army veteran Mike Jaeger.

Get tips on how to protect yourself from claims predators and report them at

Get help with claims from TVC at no cost at

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