Oficinas de TVC cerradas el Día del Trabajo

Las oficinas de TVC estarán cerradas el lunes 4 de septiembre por el Día del Trabajo. Por favor contáctenos a través de nuestro sitio web o correo electrónico.

Adele Erolsky

Adele Erolsky, proceso estadístico

Rango: proceso estadístico

Descripción general de veteranos

I am proud of my military service because I belong to the veteran fraternity that began in 1776. Less then 1 percent of the population currently serves in the military and I was part of this 1%. As an anonymous quote says, "A Veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserves, is someone who at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to the 'The United States of America', for the amount of, up to and including my life."

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