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Pase de lista del Programa de Mujeres Veteranas del 24 al 26 de marzo en San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO – The Texas Veterans Commission’s Women Veterans Program will be hosting ‘Roll Call: Life Beyond the Oath’ for women veterans in the San Antonio area, March 24-26.

“Roll Call is designed to let women veterans know about available services, preserve their histories, connect them to one another, recapture the military’s sense of camaraderie, and remind the public that more than 2 million women have worn the nation’s cloth, proudly serving the red, white, and blue,” said Edith Disler, PhD, Texas Veterans Commission Director of External Relations.
The event will take place at the ‘Oldest Post in Texas,’ Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 76, located on the Riverwalk at 10 10th Street, San Antonio, TX 78215.

With approximately 180,000 women veterans, Texas has the largest population of women veterans in the country. Women Veterans Program works to connect these veterans with the local, state, and federal benefits and care they have earned, as well as advocating for equitable services.

Additional Roll Calls in several Texas cities, including Lubbock, Dallas, El Paso, Harlingen, and Austin are scheduled to take place throughout 2016. To learn more and to register, visit https://www.tvc.texas.gov/Women-Veteran-Events-.aspx

For more information on the Women Veterans Program, please contact Anna Baker at 512-785-2576 or via email at anna.baker@tvc.texas.gov.

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