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Women Veteran Entrepreneur Seminar March 12 in Arlington

AUSTIN – The Texas Veterans Commission is conducting a Women Veteran Entrepreneur Seminar on March 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will take place at the University of Texas Arlington (College of Business), Room 245, 701 South West Street, Arlington, Texas 76019.

The seminar is open to all Veterans, active duty personnel and their families wishing to start or expand their own business. Participating organizations will include the Texas Veterans Commission, Small Business Administration (SBA), Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), several lenders, and organizations with expertise in starting and growing a business.

“The Texas Veterans Commission is proud to offer these seminars so that Veteran entrepreneurs will have the tools they need to become successful in Texas,” said Thomas Palladino, Executive Director of the Texas Veterans Commission. “Veteran entrepreneurs add value to the communities where they are established and create employment opportunities for other Veterans.”
Seminar participants will receive information in the following areas:

  • Access to capital
  • Market validation
  • Business finance
  • Management & Marketing assistance through mentorship

Space for the seminar is limited and there is a $15 advance registration cost and $25 if you register the day of the seminar. Those wishing to participate are strongly urged to register in advance at the Texas Veterans Commission website: https://www.tvc.texas.gov/Seminar-Series.aspx

For more information on the program, please contact Robyn Provost at 512-463-5173 or via email at robyn.provost@tvc.texas.gov.

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