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El equipo del Wichita Falls American Job Center es honrado por su eficacia

The team at Wichita Falls American Job Center (AJC) of Workforce Solutions North Texas has developed a collaborative and productive relationship with the local Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Employment Services team. Together, the two organizations form an effective and reliable Business Services Team (BST) which connects job seeking veterans with TVC Employment Services and on to meaningful employment. In appreciation of this valuable partnership, Workforce Solutions North Texas Board Executive Director Lisa McDaniel was presented an award by TVC in recognition of the team. The award was presented at the Workforce Solutions North Texas Board meeting on August 24, 2023.

“This recognition is well deserved,” said TVC Employment Services West Texas District Manager and Air Force veteran Larry Denton. “Even though we operated for three months without a Veterans Employer Liaison in Wichita Falls, this Business Services Team stepped up to ensure that job-seeking veterans were still connected with employers. This seamless service delivery is a classic example of what teamwork looks like. It was truly a pleasure to see the Wichita Falls BST receive this award!”

photo of Wichita Falls BST AWARD presentation


Pictured from left are TVC Employment Services West Texas District Supervisor and Navy veteran David Dohme, TVC Employment Services Director and Air Force veteran Anna Baker, Workforce Solutions North Texas Board Executive Director Lisa McDaniel and TVC Employment Services West Texas District Manager Larry Denton.

Los veteranos de todo Texas pueden encontrar el equipo de Servicios de Empleo para Veteranos de TVC en 90 ubicaciones en todo el estado, incluidos 70 Centros de Empleo Estadounidenses. Encuentre su oficina local. https://www.twc.texas.gov/directory-workforce-solutions-offices-services .

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