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VMHD contribuye al modelo nacional de veteranos involucrados en la justicia

TVC Veterans Mental Health Department (VMHD) is contributing to the National Institute of Corrections’ first Veteran Intercept Model to minimize the risk of veterans getting more deeply involved in the justice system.

The intercept model begins with preventing entry into the justice system and identifies opportunities in the criminal justice system to intervene in hopes of reducing consequences and presenting alternatives for Justice Involved Veterans.

TVC VMHD Justice Involved Veteran Program Managers Terri Williams, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and Cynthia Gray, LPC Associate , spoke on behalf of the nationwide Justice Involved Veteran Network at The Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative 4th Annual Training Summit held Oct. 5 in Denver, Colorado. Further, Williams, Gray and TVC VMHD Director Blake Harris, Ph.D and Licensed Clinical Forensic Psychologist, are all listed as contributors to the Veteran Intercepts In Criminal Justice recently published through Department of Justice’s National Institute of Corrections

Learn more about how TVC’s Justice Involved Veterans program works with veterans and family members across the state.

Pictured from left are Gray, Williams and Harris.
Photo of Cynthia GrayPhoto of Terri Williamsphoto of Blake Harris



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