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Veterans Education’s Charles “Chuck” Bryant earns Excellence Award from state Collegiate Veteran Program Officials

In April, The Texas Association of Collegiate Veteran Program Officials (TACVPO) presented its 2022 Excellence Award to Charles “Chuck” Bryant, Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veterans Education Operations Manager and Army veteran, pictured.

“He wants to help them (veterans) achieve their dream of graduating,” said TACVPO President Mary Roby. Roby noted Bryant’s longstanding dedication to improving the veteran education process for both colleges and students. She praised his work on Hazlewood benefits processes including standardizations and online access.

“Chuck was recognized for years of selfless service and continued exceptional support of TACVPO and all of the Texas SCOs (School Certifying Officials) that make veterans education possible on our campuses,” said Rand Binford, Army veteran and TVC State Education Programs Supervisor.

Congratulations Chuck!
Pictured below is the TACVPO 2022 Excellence Award presented to Bryant.

Photo of TACVPO 2022 Excellence Award

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