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Los veteranos se conectan en el Buddy Check Day el 11 de abril

El día 11 de cada mes es el Día de Buddy Check para recordar a los veteranos de Texas que se comuniquen con otros veteranos. Al ponerse en contacto con otros, los veteranos pueden disfrutar de la camaradería, comprobar el bienestar de los demás y conectar a otro veterano con un servicio que puedan utilizar. Buddy Check puede ser tan

Buddy Check Day graphic

Buddy Check can be as simple as picking up the phone, just talk, text, or visit.

“Of course, it’s a good idea to check on each other more often; but sometimes we forget. So set your alarm and program a reminder for the 11th day of every month as Buddy Check Day,” said Laura Koerner, Texas Veterans Commission Chairwoman and U.S. Navy Veteran.

Veterans looking to expand their circle or curious about services may be interested in the following:

  • Veterans looking for a peer to talk with can find them through the Military Veteran Peer Network (MVPN). Talking with a Peers is beneficial, plus they know the resources & services in their area. Find the MVPN near your area at https://www.milvetpeer.net/page/custompage_map . Interested in volunteering as a Peer, visit milvetpeer.net
  • The Texas Veterans Network is a statewide collaborative of hundreds of community-based organizations and government agencies that holistically serve the veteran and military community. Connect with the Texas Veterans Network through Combined Arms https://www.combinedarms.us/tvn or with Unite Texas https://texas.uniteus.com/veterans-network/
  • Veterans can connect with other veterans and receive assistance with VA disability Claims and health care from the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) at tvc.texas.gov . Additionally, TVC offers programs and services for employment, education, and entrepreneurs around the state, as well as a Women Veterans Network.

Ayudar a los veteranos comienza aquí. La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas aboga y brinda un servicio superior a los veteranos que mejorará significativamente la calidad de vida de todos los veteranos de Texas, sus familias y los sobrevivientes. TVC ayuda a los veteranos a recibir sus beneficios, proporciona fondos a agencias que brindan servicios directos a los veteranos y administra los beneficios educativos de la Ley Hazlewood. Obtenga más información en www.tvc.texas.gov .

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