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Veteran moves into new, mortgage-free home

On November 17, the ribbon was cut on Vietnam veteran U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Miguel Olvera’s new home in Smithville. Olvera’s new, mortgage-free home was made possible by a partnership of Operation Finally Home, along with the Comisión de Veteranos de Texas y McCoy’s Building Supply.

Tour Olvera’s home, hear from him and those who helped at new home video.

Olvera, served his country for two decades. An amputee, he spends most of his time in a wheelchair. His previous home (pictured below) was very old and not ADA compliant, making it difficult for him to move within and enjoy his own home.

Thanks to the support from the Texas Veterans Commission and the Office of Governor Greg Abbott, Operation Finally Home and McCoy’s Building Supply is proud to provide Olvera with an Oak Creek mortgage-free manufactured home.

About U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Miguel Olvera
Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Miguel Olvera of Smithville, Texas spent 20 years serving his country in the U.S. Air Force. During his military career, he served as a tactical aircraft maintenance technician and an aircraft maintenance superintendent. He honorably retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1988.

During his military service, Miguel was honored with many awards and recognitions. These include an Air Force Commendation Medal with one bronze oak leaf cluster, an Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with three bronze oak leaf clusters, an Air Force Good Conduct Medal with one silver and one bronze oak leaf cluster, a Nation Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Air Force Overseas Short Tour Ribbon, Air Force Overseas Long Tour Ribbon and many more. Miguel was also recognized for his faithful service with an Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon with four bronze oak leaf clusters.

About Operation Finally Home | Based in New Braunfels, Texas, Operation Finally Home is a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to provide custom-built, mortgage-free homes, transitional housing and home modifications to veterans, first responders and their families. Established in 2005, the organization has completed or is in planning on more than 430 home projects in more than 32 states. Operation Finally Home partners with corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, remodelers, developers, individual contributors and volunteers to help these heroes and their families by addressing one of their most pressing needs – a safe place to call home. For more information about Operation Finally Home, visit OperationFinallyHome.org, follow @OpFinallyHome on Twitter and find us on Facebook .

Acerca de la Comisión de Veteranos de Texas | The Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance awards grants to organizations providing direct services to veterans, including home modifications. The Texas Veterans Commission advocates for and provides superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families, and survivors. The TVC assists veterans with receiving their benefits and provides administration of the Hazlewood Act education benefits. Learn more at www.tvc.texas.gov<

About McCoys  | McCoy’s is one of the nation’s largest privately held building supply retailers. It has provided quality building products and services to its “Born-to-Build” customers since 1927 and has earned the loyalty of builders, contractors, ranchers, and serious do-it-yourselfers. The company is led by Meagan McCoy Jones, President and CEO, and headquartered in San Marcos, TX. Jones is the fourth generation of her family to lead the company. McCoy’s employs more than 3,000 people and operates 85 stores, three distribution centers and two millwork facilities in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. They can be found online at mccoys.com.

McCoys logo Operation Finally Home logo FVA logo

Pictured is Olvera’s previous home.

Olvera home before

Scenes from the ribbon cutting:


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