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Veteran challenges in the legal landscape highlighted at Municipal Court Conference

Group photo of Cynthia Gray, Judge Townsend and Terri Williams
Pictured from left are Gray, Judge Townsend and Williams.

At the recent Texas Municipal Court Education Center Conference, held on August 1-2, 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas, Texas Veterans Commission’s Veteran Mental Health Department’s Justice Involved Veteran Program Managers, Cynthia Gray and Terri Williams along with Municipal Court Judge Bonnie Townsend, had the opportunity to call attention to the important topic of supporting veterans through the municipal court system. They led an insightful session that delved into the unique challenges faced by veterans in the legal landscape.

Their presentation, “Veterans Mental Health Department and the Municipal Courts: Working together to serve veterans in our communities,” highlighted ways for court personnel to effectively serve those who have served our nation. The presenters shared legal frameworks, best practices, and resources designed to navigate veterans towards restorative justice pathways.

Their session was well received and underscored the importance of specialized knowledge, collaboration and empathy in addressing the specific needs of veterans, ensuring that our courts not only administer justice but also facilitate healing and reintegration for our esteemed servicemen and women.


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