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VA honra a Emma Breitbarth y Katasha Gray de TVC como Veteranas del Día

VA Veteran of the day_Emma_Breitbarth

Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veteran Career Advisor (VCA) Emma Breitbarth was recognized as VA Veteran of the Day and featured in the VA blog VAntange Point on April 26, 2020. A few days later, the VA named TVC VCA Katasha Gray as its Veteran of the Day for May 8.

“We, the Texas Veterans Commission, salute you for your hard work, focus on the mission and unwavering dedication to the service you provide for the veterans of Tyler, and North Texas!” said Ron Abrams, North Texas District Outreach Coordinator.

Both Breitbarth and Gray were nominated for Veteran of the Day honors by Catherine Smith, TVC Women Veterans Coordinator.

Breitbarth, an Air Force veteran, is active in community service organizations in addition to serving Tyler area veterans through TVC’s Employment Services,

To read the VA article on her, click Breitbarth-Veteran of the Day.

To listen to Breitbarth tell her story of transition out the military, not immediately connecting with the benefits she’d earned and how she now helps veterans; click on La Voz de los Veteranos de Texas.

Gray, a US Army veteran, has a degree in social work and has produced workshops for justice involved veterans. This is in addition to her regular duties of assisting career seeking veterans with their job search skills.

To read the VA article on Gray, click Veteran of the Day-Gray. To listen to an interview with Gray, click on The Voice of Texas Veterans-Gray.

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