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La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas acogerá a los veteranos en una jornada de puertas abiertas del gobierno

AUSTIN, Texas – More than 40 state and local government agencies looking to hire veterans will be on hand at the Texas Veterans Commission’s Veterans in Government Open House at the Palmer Events Center, April 21.

Agencies including the Department of Public Safety, the Lower Colorado River Authority, the Texas Education Agency, the University of Houston and the City of Austin are scheduled to attend the event. Overall, there are currently about 8,700 open positions within Texas government agencies, many of which are open to qualified veterans.

“This event is an opportunity for Texas veterans interested in exploring careers within government to meet face to face with potential employers,” said Tim Shatto, the Operations Manager for Veterans Employment Services at TVC.

Turnout at last year’s Veterans in Government event was so great that TVC needed to move to the larger venue of the Palmer Events Center this year in order to better serve attending job-seekers. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Those veterans interested in attending the open house can register online at: http://www.tvc.texas.gov/Veterans-in-Government.aspx. Attendees are encouraged to “dress to impress” and have a completed State of Texas Application for Employment. An application can be easily completed online at www.workintexas.com.

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