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Texas brilla a nivel nacional con los Servicios de Empleo para Veteranos

The Disabled American Veterans’ (DAV) honored Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Employment Services’ Lee Ware as DAV’s 2021 Outstanding Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) and Tremayne “Trey” Hubbard as DAV 2021 Outstanding Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP). Both Ware and Hubbard were awarded at the DAV’s National and state level in their respective categories. The National awards were presented August 2, 2021 at the DAV National Convention in Tampa, Florida and state level awards were presented in June in Corpus Christi.

“DAV Texas is grateful for the care and dedication that the DVOPs and LVERs show to the Texas veterans. Congratulations on your well deserved recognition,” said Teresa Johniken, Adjutant/Treasurer, DAV Department of Texas.

Ware is a Veteran Employer Liaison (VEL) with TVC Employment Services North District and based in Fort Worth. Hubbard is a Veteran Career Advisor (VCA) Coach in TVC Employment Services West District and based in Abilene. Both are veterans themselves, Ware having served in the Army 20 years and Hubbard having served 26 years in the Air Force.

Listen to Ware discussing how he connects employers with veteran job seekers and the benefits of hiring veterans including tax breaks on this Voice of Texas Veterans podcast.

Hear Hubbard discussing how he helps veterans overcome barriers to employment on this Voice of Texas Veterans podcast.

The duo was also American Legion’s Employer of Veterans Award winners.

Pictured at left is Lee Ware, DAV Award winner & TVC
Veteran Employer Liaison. Pictured at right, center is Trey Hubbard
with his DAV award. At Hubbard’s left is DAV Commander Tom Archer. At
right is TVC Deputy Executive Director Shawn Deabay.

TVC’s Employment Services team plays a key role in getting Texas veterans and their family members employed, which in turn, strengthens the overall economy in Texas.

Overall, throughout Texas, TVC’s Employment Services served 18,290 veterans in its past program year, from July 2020 – June 2021. That includes 2,369 veterans who entered into individualized career services from TVC’s Employment Services team. Of that, 1,294 found employment.

Hiring veterans takes employers too. TVC’s Employment Services team outreached to 6,586 employers across Texas to assist these businesses in matching veterans with jobs available. Hiring veterans brings benefits to their employers including a tax break, as well as a highly skilled, quality employee.

TVC’s Employment team provides veterans with assistance writing resumes, interviewing, matching military skills to civilian jobs and more.

TVC Employment Services staff are located in American Job Centers/Workforce Solutions offices across Texas. Veterans can find their local offices at this web site https://www.twc.texas.gov/directory-workforce-solutions-offices-services .

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