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Texas tiene la población de veteranos más grande de EE. UU. y lidera la nación en asistencia para reclamos por discapacidad de la Ley PACT

Texas has the largest veteran population of any state, at over 1,543,160. Additionally, Texas leads the nation in veterans filing disability claims associated with the PACT Act at over 82,720 filed as of July 21 since it was enacted in August 2022. In that time, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) has experienced a 25% increase in VA disability Claims assistance. The PACT Act greatly expanded Claims eligibility for toxic exposure, burn pits and more.

“More veterans choose to live in Texas; and in Texas, we take care of our veterans. The Texas Veterans Commission works every day to improve the lives of our Texas veterans, their families, and survivors,” said TVC Chairwoman and U.S. Navy veteran Laura Koerner.

“Texans are forever indebted to our veterans and their families for the bravery and sacrifice they have given to protect our nation and the freedoms we cherish,” said Governor Greg Abbott. “Thanks to the Texas Veterans Commission, we continue to work to ensure the tens of thousands of Texas veterans who fought so bravely to protect their fellow Americans have access to the support they need to thrive. Texas will always honor the service and sacrifice of these courageous heroes and their families.”

Veterans can get assistance filing their disability compensation Claims at no cost from the Texas Veterans Commission at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/claims/appointments/ .

Veteran populations and Claims filing numbers may be found by state with the VA Pact Act Performance Dashboard at https://www.accesstocare.va.gov/pdf/VA_PACTActDashboard_Issue11_072123__508.pdf

Ayudar a los veteranos comienza aquí. La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas aboga y brinda un servicio superior a los veteranos que mejorará significativamente la calidad de vida de todos los veteranos de Texas, sus familias y los sobrevivientes. TVC ayuda a los veteranos a recibir sus beneficios, proporciona fondos a agencias que brindan servicios directos a los veteranos y administra los beneficios educativos de la Ley Hazlewood. Obtenga más información en www.tvc.texas.gov .

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