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El Bootcamp Empresarial de Impacto Social es un éxito, próximo Google My Business

Entrepreneur - Google event flyer

The value of social innovation and being a responsible and conscious business was the focus the recently completed the Social Impact Business Bootcamp, sponsored by the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veteran Entrepreneur Program (VEP). “I always knew that I wanted to use the business to help women in other countries, but now I have a plan to follow, and I have a better method for achieving that goal,” said a participant. Successfully completing the rigorous 4-week business training were veteran entrepreneurs Susan Brown, Quiana Cannon, Ashley Booker-Knight, Erin Lievens, Paige O’Hanlon, Patricia Monreal-Polk, Shannon Sanchez, and Debra Thomas. Congratulations to all.

Coming up, VEP is co-hosting Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps on Thursday, October 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lead by Google’s Austin Digital Coach Vicky Sepulveda, this explores Google My Business, a free tool for local businesses who want to connect with customers on Google Search and Maps. Get hands-on help creating or updating your business profile or a simple website. Register at Digital Coach and scroll to Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps, Thursday, October 22, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM CST.

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