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Más de $3,6 millones en subvenciones presentadas a 11 organizaciones del área de Panhandle y Concho Valley para servicios a veteranos

On September 20, 2023, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) presented $3,665,000 in grants to 11 organizations for providing services to veterans and their families in Panhandle and Concho Valley regions. These grants are anticipated to serve more than 3,160 veteranos and their families.

Group photo of FVA panhandle area grantees

The FVA grants awarded include: 

  • Central Texas Opportunities, Inc.: a $300,000 grant for financial assistance 
  • Concho Valley Center for Human Advancement: a $300,000 grant for financial assistance 
  • Concho Valley Community Action Agency: a $300,000 grant for financial assistance 
  • Family Support Services of Amarillo, Inc.: a $265,000 grant for support services 
  • Hale County Meals on Wheels, Inc.: an $80,000 grant for support services 
  • Lubbock Regional MHMR Center: a $235,000 grant for peer support services and a $255,000 grant for financial assistance 
  • Panhandle Community Services: a $500,000 grant for home modification and a $200,000 grant for financial assistance 
  • Refuge Services, Inc.: a $200,000 grant for clinical counseling 
  • Rolling Plains Management Corporation: a $200,000 grant for home modification and a $300,000 grant for financial assistance 
  • Rusted and Weathered, Inc.: a $30,000 grant for home modification 
  • West Texas Counseling & Guidance: a $500,000 grant for clinical counseling

TVC Commissioner and Marine Corps veteran Mike Hernandez presented the grants at the Hendrick Home for Children in Abilene. Commissioner Hernandez is shown below to the left of checks, presenting the grants.

photo of grant presented to Concho Center Human Advancement photo of grant presented to CenTex Opportunities

photo of grant presented to Lubbock MHMR Photo of grant presentation to Hale Co.Meals on Wheels

photo fo grant presented to Refuge Servicesphoto of grant presented to Rolling Plains

photo of grant presented to Rusted and Weatheredphoto of grant presented to W.TX Counseling and Guidance

Los fondos para estas subvenciones se generan principalmente a través de los juegos de la Comisión de Lotería de Texas designados para el apoyo de los veteranos. Otras fuentes de financiación para las subvenciones provienen de opciones de donación individual para licencias de conducir, licencias para portar armas, licencias de recreación al aire libre para caza y pesca, y registros de vehículos. 

Veterans in need of assistance can find the organizations providing help in their area and how to contact them at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/assistance/    

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