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Unemployed for years, veteran gets job assist from Veterans Career Advisor Wyatt

Kristen Wahl.cropped

Veteran Kristen Wahl left a job as a Security Manager for US Navy Submarines in Washington D.C. and moved to Texas with her husband. “I thought when I got to my new home state, I would have no problem finding employment,” said Wahl. About five years later, she was still looking for a job.

“I submitted hundreds of applications. I went to every career fair I could register for. I was on every job search site and veterans’ site there was. I kept getting rejected time after time. I heard repeatedly that I was too qualified. That they didn’t have anything for me and were looking for entry level at every career fair,” said Wahl.

In fall 2019, Wahl spoke with Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veterans Career Advisor (VCA) Danny Wyatt at an annual career fair. It was the third consecutive year she had seen him at the event and Wyatt was surprised she was unemployed.

“He made it his mission right then and there to find the perfect placement for me,” said Wahl. “He was determined! We met several times at his office, we talked resume, interview skills, and everything related to career fields I could potentially find a home in. Immediately he started fielding me every job he found that I might even be remotely qualified for. I applied for everything he sent. We were throwing everything out there and hoping something would stick!”

Ten months later, in May 2020, Wahl was hired by the Department of Labor.

“He did in 10 months what I couldn’t do in 5 years,” said Wahl “Calling him on July 6th after my first day of work is probably the best phone call I’ve ever made in my life. You (TVC) have the best of the best out here in a tiny rural office in Waxahachie.”

Pictured from left are Wahl and Wyatt.

That Wyatt not only found Wahl employment; but did so amid the health restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic is lauded by his TVC Employment teammates.

“Kristen held a position as a Security Manager for US Navy Submarines. A hard act to follow when seeking a position in a new location. She now has a full-time position which allows work from home. What an exemplary display of dedication and service to the veterans in Waxahachie, Texas! Great Job Danny, you never gave up!” said Ron Abrams, TVC Employment North Texas District Outreach Coordinator.

Veterans seeking jobs, see how TVC Employment Services can assist at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/employment/veterans/ . Contact Employment via email at TVCEmployment@tvc.texas.gov

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