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“Lighthouse in the storm”- Food & essential items drive launched by Atascosa VCSO

“During difficult times the goal of our office is to be a lighthouse in the storm, a place where veterans can turn to and know that they can get a helping hand,” said Sarah Gamboa, Atascosa Veteran County Service Officer (VCSO) and US Marine Corps veteran.

Gamboa’s team has launched a food and essential items donation drive to help veterans experiencing economic hardships. The campaign is in addition to her usual duties of helping veterans with benefits claims, transportation to VA appointments and other services including those for veterans’ family members and survivors.

Since its launch on April 22, over 2,630 essential and food items had been collected as of May 13. So far, the effort has benefited a dozen veterans and their families.

Pictured from left are Ashley Okruhlik, Administrative Assistant; Sarah Gamboa, Accredited Texas Veterans Commission Veterans County Service Officer; and Elizabeth Branson, Assistant Veterans County Service Officer (Accreditation Pending).

“Providing food, basic hygiene and cleaning items is an essential part of helping veterans feel loved and appreciated. No one, especially veterans, should go hungry. As long as we are standing, we will ensure veterans and their families always have a meal and basic necessities.”

Gamboa noted the food and essential items drive has raised the Atascosa Veterans Services Office’s visibility. “We have had an influx of calls and veterans inquiring what other VA related services we can provide them with,” said Gamboa. “We have been able to continue to serve veterans during this pandemic by scheduling appointments and maintaining social distance guidelines.

To make a donation, call the Atascosa VCSO at 830-769-3251.

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