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Get the ball rolling on getting benefits

Larry Fisk, Veteran Service Officer for Dallam and Hartley counties, knows the importance of having proper documents to receive VA benefits. “I’ve helped out a bunch of veterans in getting their DD214. You’ve got to start with that.”

To help area veterans, Fisk has made his office in Dalhart available, literally. He recalled a job seeking veteran needing access to a computer. “He came in, The TWC (Texas Workforce Commission) was trying to help him get a job at the cheese plant north of town. He didn’t have access to a computer and the TWC asked if he could use mine. I helped him as best I could.”

“Mostly though, veterans come in needing to get their DD214, they lost it; and many come in to see what they are eligible for or work on discharge upgrades.”

Fisk, an Army veteran who served in Vietnam from 1970 to 1971, is also involved with his community’s veteran memorial.

“We have a veterans memorial at the city park (Dallam-Hartley Veterans Memorial). We are gathering names for a future expansion. Even if you’ve only lived in Dalhart a short time, you are eligible to be put on the memorial.”

Whether interested in the veterans memorial or needing help getting their benefits, veterans can visit Fisk at his office Mondays through Wednesdays or contact him by email at vets@dallam.org or phone 806-244-4717.

“Get the ball rolling getting benefits,” said Fisk. “Get your DD214, bring it in and get the process started, get in the books and see what we can get going.”

Pictured are Fisk, an article on his service and the Dallam-Hartley Veterans Memorial.

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